The Hill Tour

The landscape of the historic district, also known as The Hill, primarily uses a traditional southern pallette. This includes a mixture of native and non-native species that are proven to survive in this region. Per the Campus Landscape Master Plan, this area included parkland, woodland areas.   

Tour Statistics

2020 Tree Count


Canopy Cover

242,763 sqft

Canopy Coverage

5.6 acres / 22.2 acres = 25.2%

Leaf Area

885,374 sqft

Leaf Biomass

15,893 pounds

Carbon Storage

465,928 pounds

Gross Carbon Sequestration

12,001 pounds/year

Avoided Runoff

14,858 cu. ft/year

Pollution Removal

5,439 ounces/year

Tree Value


Species Distribution

The Hill species distribution pie chart

White Oak

White Oak (#01)

Quercus alba

Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple (#02)

Acer palmatum

Post Oak

Post Oak (#03)

Quercus stellata

Red Maple

Red Maple (#04)

Acer rubrum

Ginko Tree

Ginko Tree (#05)

Ginkgo biloba

Yoshino Cherry

Yoshino Cherry (#06)

Prunus × yedoensis

Southern Magnolia

Southern Magnolia (#07)

Magnolia grandiflora

Shumard Oak

Shumard Oak (#08)

Quercus shumardii


Dogwood (#09)

Cornus florida

Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud (#10)

Cercis canadensis

Persian Ironwood

Persian Ironwood (#11)

Parrotia persica

Common Witch-hazel

Common Witch-hazel (#12)

Hamamelis virginiana

Saucer Magnolia

Saucer Magnolia (#13)

Magnolia x soulangiana

Water Oak

Water Oak (#14)

Quercus nigra

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir (#15)

Pseudotsuga menziesii

Chinese Juniper

Chinese Juniper (#16)

Juniperus chinensis

Leyland Cypress

Leyland Cypress (#17)

Cupressocyparis leylandii


Camellia (#18)

Camellia japonica

Higan Cherry

Higan Cherry (#19)

Prunus subhirtella

Sasanqua Camellia

Sasanqua Camellia (#20)

Camellia sasanqua

Hinoki Cypress

Hinoki Cypress (#21)

Chamaecyparis obtusa

Kwanzan Cherry

Kwanzan Cherry (#22)

Prunus serrulata

Sycamore Tree

Sycamore Tree (#23)

Platanus occidentalis

Two-wing Silverbell

Two-wing Silverbell (#24)

Halesia diptera

Chinese Pistache

Chinese Pistache (#25)

Pistacia chinensis